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For years there has been speculation when the pupils can finally design their own timetable because this should avoid unmotivated students in the first math lesson on Monday morning. If students got the chance to create their own schedule, they would be more motivated and productive in the classrooms.
HTL Dornbirn from Vorarlberg is taking a step into the future now and letting students create their own timetable. With the new school system students can choose on which days they want to have math lesson or gymnastics lesson and they can also decide when the lesson should start and end.
From next year, the new school system should be introduced and not the students are excited about it but also the teachers. The English teacher Drexel is also very excited about the new school system and hopes to see more motivated students in the classroom next year.
HTL Dornbirn is taking a step into the future whether other schools will soon introduce the new school system is a matter of time.
Dies ist eine satirische Website. Nimm es nicht ernst Es ist ein Witz.